Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Annual Rain El Salvador

SNET 2005 El Salvador

Map of Soil in El Salvador

The current map of El Salvador shows the different kinds of soil all over the terrain it have been done from the Agricultural Agency.

SNET 2007-DGRNR 1985

Peer viewed about animals and ecosystem

“Globalization is often associated with deforestation, but its impacts on forest recovery are less known” (Susanna B. Hecht). This article analyzed socioeconomic data, land-use surveys, and satellite imagery to monitor changes in woody cover in El Salvador from the early 1990s to the present. "Even where rural population density exceeded 250 people per square kilometer, they documented a 22% increase in the area with more than 30% tree cover, and a 7% increase in the area with more than 60% tree cover," (Susanna B. Hecht). The results may seem surprising to many conservationists who most often associate globalization with deforestation and degradation of old-growth forests. Hecht and Saatchi argue that “the roles of economic and social trends like globalization and remittances on forest recovery have so far been overlooked.” Globalization and Forest Resurgence: Changes in Forest Cover in El Salvador Article

Diarrhea Outbreak during U.S. Military Training in El Salvador (click here)

This article was writing in order to show how animals like flies are affecting people with diseases such as diarrhea it is related to the environment because people are killing frogs and toads that are in charge of keep the environment clean from the excesive number of insects misquotes and zancudos all of this disturbance that are occuring is because we are taking one animal from a place and the balance in habitat have been broken.

Peer reviewed Ecosystem Articles


This article shows the work that the non-profit organizations are doing all of the way to the coast in order to improve the the quality for thousands of animals that migrate to those areas during the winter season in the North side of the planet. This article mentioned specifically the biggest mangrove zone of Central America that also mean the larges ecosystem of the zone.


The study have been founded by CEPAL a Governmental agencies that is looking for improve the aquatic ecosystems and one of them is the Golfo de Fonseca. It study shows the principal areas around the Latin American countries base on their important and characteristics also and the productivity that is offer to the economy of the country. This article have been recollected environmental, social and economic informaion.   

Popular Articles El Salvador

Ser humano e impacto ambiental en El Salvador (click her popular article)

It article describe the way of how the management that people do which their land is affecting the the environment it mentioned the crops production and the excessive uses of herbicides and pesticides that it required in order to have a higher production.

ECOSISTEMAS TERRESTRES (click here popular article)

It articles is in charge of describe the different habitats in the terrestrial area it mean the different kind of forest that cover the terrain. In El Salvador specifically the North part is cover by a tremendous amount of virgin vegetation that cross until Honduras border. It article describe the principals characteristics and animals inhabiting there.     

Threatened and Endanger Animals at My Community

Jocoaitique is a municipality that has a large biodiversity in Flora and Fauna as well; but there are also some human actions that have been deteriorated all the effort that governmental agencies have been doing in terms of conservation.

Threatened animals are a long list such us:

  • Armadillo---Cingulata---Cusuco 
Salvanatura 2011

  • Garrobo--Ctenosaura similis--Garrobo
Salvanatura 2012

  • Higuana-- Iguana iguana--Iguana
Salvanatura 2010

  • Deer--Cervidae--Venado 
Salvanatura 2009
The one with highest level of Endanger in my community are the Frogs and Toad (amphibians) 

  • Frogs--Anura-- Rana
    Salvanatura 2008

  • Toad--Bufo bufo--Sapo

Salvanatura 2009

Monday, March 17, 2014

Ecosystem of Jocoaitique Morazan

Jocoaitique is a municipality in the department of Morazán, El Salvador. According to the official 2007 census, has a population of 2,877 inhabitants.The municipality covers an area of ​​51.85 km ² and has a header altitude of 680 meters.

Jocoaitique is surrounding by splendorous mountains it is located in a place where the dry  season is pretty much hot and the wet is really windy the larger ecosystem here is located along the Arauter river a place that contribute to many habitats; starting with insects and ending with big mammals such as tigers. It place is considerate a protected area of the municipality  and is located at 30 minutes walking from the city. It has nice trails and enormous variety of plants and birds leave there. Aruter river is conciderated one of the most important virgin rivers of all department and country.

Casa de la Cultura Jocoaitique 2011

This is one of the tallest waterfalls at Morazan department called Salto de Amaya 

Images of Ecosystems at El Salvador

Figure 8 Diario El Salvador 2010

This picture shows the Mangrove areas of the coastal zone El Salvador

Aristides Rodriguez 2012

The fallowing images shows one of the biggest ecosystems of El Salvador The Jiquilisco bay

Figure 10 Arquimides Romero 2009

Creeks and rivers of El Salvador

Figure 11 La Prensa Grafica 2008

Rocky area on the sides of the volcanoes

Figure 12 Jose Gimenez 2009
It represent the Island where birds migration take place

Grasslands Monitoring 2007

Figure 7 Agricultural Agencies 2010

The present map has on it all of the ecosystem aquatic and terrestrial in El Salvador

Latitude and Longitude of Jocoaitique

Latitude 13 54' 32" N
Longitude: 88 09' 34" W
Figure 6 ALcaldia de Jocoaitique 2008

Highest and Lower elevation points El Salvador

El Cerro El Pital (Pital hill) 2.730 msnm
Conejo Island the lowest point 0 msnm (different points here)

List of Average Rainfall in Biomes of El Salvador

This table has the intent of show the average rainfall through a year in El Salvador all of this information was collected

Figure 4 From SNET El Salvador 2009

Average Temperatures and List of the Biomes at El Salvador

Figure 3 From SNET El Salvador 2008

The present table shows the 20 biomes at El Salvador also it present the average temperature at those areas during the 2008 year 

Map of Biomes at El Salvador

Figure 2 SNET EL SALVADOR 2007
 This map has the intent of show where the different (zonas de vida Spanish) are located with in El Salvador country. There are approximately 29 of them all over the terrain.

Map of El Salvador

Figure. 1 Orlin Placido 2007
This is a map of El Salvador that contain 14 Departments and an approximately area of 21000 square feet of terrain is the smallest country in Central America and the capital is called San Salvador.

Country Book

Jose Sanchez
Date: 3/18/2014
El Salvador Central America

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lab 6 Evolution and Adaptations

Explain adaptive radiation and how the different paper forms made by the “finches” helped or hurt that particular “finch species”.

Adaptive radiation “is when one species, due to a sudden change in environment, quickly evolves into many offspring species”.
Adaptive radiation occurs when a species is dislocated to a different location than it has typically inhabited, and has to adapt quickly or die out. The location may not have the same ecological set-up as the place that the species was used to
A classic example of adaptive radiation is Darwin's finches. “Adaptive radiation was basically discovered by Charles Darwin when he saw the finches on the Galápagos Islands had the same basic features (hence, were descendants of a parent species) but had adapted to different environments”. As individuals from the mother species moved to different areas of the islands, some of them had the need to smash rocks to get food, so birds with big, tough beaks were selected for. Others had the need to dig for bugs, so long, skinny beaks were selected for. The needs of the birds selected for their traits over generations, giving them different phenotypes.
“Phenotypes as relating to what the birds had to eat (hence, what beaks the early birds were selected for because of what they were able to eat)”

Ads by BetterMarkIt. 2001. Adaptive Radiation: Darwin's Finches. Library of Evolution.                     Available at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/6/l_016_02.html. Visited: 3/8/14

Fill out the fallowing table with your groups data at the end of the natural selection experiment

Table 1
The number of prey species (candy types)for each generation
Number of
Milk way
Number of
Number of
Number of
Total number
Of survivors





Table 2
The percent of surviving prey (candy types)for each generation
% of
% of
% of
% of

Milk way








With the" prey" survival data you collect, graph survivorship over time by each species.

 Explain how behavioral adaptations may lead to genetic changes in a population.
“Genetic change is what occurs in a population when natural selection acts on the genetic variability of the population; moreover, some mutations may create genetic variation that will lead to differing characteristics of offspring and hence abet adaptation.”  
 By this means, the population adapts genetically to its circumstances. Genetic changes may result in visible structures, or may adjust physiological activity in a way that suits the changed habitat. The organism has to be adapted over time for example at the time that climate change is occurring the organisms are doing evolution and some are disappeared for this reason they are creating a new genetic changes one of them is When a habitat changes, the most common thing to happen is that the resident population moves to another locale which suits it; this is the typical response of flying insects or oceanic organisms, who have wide (though not unlimited) opportunity for movement 

Ads by BetterMarkIt. 2001. Adaptive Radiation: Darwin's Finches. Library of Evolution.                     Available at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/01/6/l_016_02.html. Visited: 3/8/14

A species that has a behavioral adaptation that may allow its predator not to be able to eat it or find it. Explain what this behavioral adaption is

Figure 1 National Geographic

Chimpanzees work together with closely related kin to protect their territory.  Defending territory from rivals (known as territoriality) is a learnt adaptive behavior performed by several ecological species.

A species that has a physical characteristic that allows it to survive in cold weather.
Figure 2 YPT

Arctic Land Mammals
It is vital for a mammal, being a ‘warm-blooded’ vertebrate, to keep warm in order to maintain its body at a constant temperature.

A species that has a physical adaptation that allows it to survive
Figure 3 Photograph by Barry Rice

A cricket crawls toward the leaves of a Venus flytrap that can shut tight, trapping the insect.

An example of mutualism in nature 
Figure 4 National Geographic

Clownfish and a sea anemone; the sea anemone would protect the clownfish from predators by using its tentacles to paralyze with discharged cynoblasts(shocks) and then ingesting them. Clownfish would defend the anemone from Butterflyfish which eat the anemone. 

An example of mimicry in nature 
Figure 5 Dumage

Insects are common examples of mimicry. Insects can be so blend with their surroundings that sometimes we can not recognize them. Some insects can have the appearance of twigs, leaf, bark, wood and some may simply be the same color as their habitat.

This insect looks like a dried leaf, and the shape and color.This is a great camouflageagainst predators who will go next to him thinking he is the most common leaf.

Specie that in El Salvador that has adapted
Figure 6 Especies Amenazadas en El Salvador

Orchids. (Orchidaceae); this type of plant can be found in various parts of the world, in our country can also be viewed Orchid species diversity in almost any area of ​​the country. This is because most orchids have adapted to different climates and habitats.

            (2012, 05). Especies Amenazadas En El Salvador. BuenasTareas.com. Recuperado 05, 2012, de http://www.buenastareas.com/ensayos/Especies-Amenazadas-En-El-Salvador/4241556.html

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Graphing Assignment

The purpose of this exercise is to practice how to introduce data in a excel data sheet and from it make graphs according with the information.

Pie Graph about seven countries in the world with more population 

Line Graph of Average Rainfall in El Salvador by Months 

Bar Graph comparison the unemployment range in El Salvador between Man and Woman 

             Microsoft Excel 2007 and demographic data El Salvador

A Perez. 2012. Estudios Internacionales y Estrategicos. Available at: http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org.visited: 3/1/14